Experiences with real-time audio/video on XMG / SCHENKER laptops
Please share your experiences in real-time audio/video producivity with your XMG or SCHENKER laptop. The form is anonymous. An editorialized analysis of the anonymized results may be published by XMG after sufficient quantity has been collected. Most of the items in this form are optional. Thank you for your feedback!

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Model name *
Please give the full model name. Preferably including generation moniker (e.g. L23 for "Late 2023") or year.
Please give the name of the CPU in your system, e.g. "i7-12700H" or "R7 7840HS". The naming does not have to be 100% accurate. This is just to corroborate the model name and generation.
Name of dedicated graphics card (usually NVIDIA).
Model names of SSDs in your system, if possible.
Wi-Fi module
Model name of Wi-Fi module in your system, e.g. AX201 or RZ608.
Operating System *
Windows 10, Windows 11, Linux etc.
Audio/Video Peripherals
Provide a short list of the audio/video hardware peripherals you usually use during productivity sessions. May include external DAC, sound cards or other audio interfaces, mixers, MIDI controllers, DJ controllers, CD players, microphones, HDMI grabbers etc.

Write "none" if you don't use any such peripherals.
Generally attached peripherals
Besides special audio/video peripherals, what other standard PC/laptop peripherals are usually attached to your laptop during productivity sessions? May include docking stations, external monitor(s), external SSD, RAID or NAS, eGPU, card readers, webcams, etc.
Audio/Video Software
If possible, please describe what audio/video/productivity software you are using.
Successfully used buffer sizes
If possible, please describe what audio buffer sizes you have successfully set in your real-time audio software without encountering glitches, drop-outs etc.
General experience in productivity (description)
Please give a general description of how satisfied you are with the performance and reliability in your area of audio/video productivity.
General experience in productivity (rating) *
Please put your description into a number.
Not satisfied at all
100% satisfied
Issues / Solutions / Workarounds
If possible, please describe any isuses you have found and potential solutions and workarounds. This may include some of the tips that are outlined in our guidance, but also any other more tips, settings, methods or modifications.
Other comments
Feel free to use this field for any other comments on this topic. Thank you for your feedback!
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